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Training & Resources available from the HSE

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Translate Ireland aims to produce easily understandable and impactful multilingual video messages so that those who struggle with the English language understand, and have full access to, vital services and important in Irish society. The health-related multilingual video messages are presented by doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers, originally from other countries but who are now living and working in Ireland. Translate Ireland also produces multilingual video messages on topics such as education, immigration and services. See the Translate Ireland website for more details.

Current trainings available:

  • The HSE Intercultural Awareness programme is accessible on It contains three modules:  

    • Module 1: Inclusive Practices and Intercultural Awareness

    • Module 2: Working with Others  

    • Module 3: Intercultural Awareness and Practice in Health and Social Care: Refugees, Protection Applicants and Trauma.

This eLearning Programme has been approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Module 1 & 2 (1 CEU) and Module 3 (3.5 CEUs).

  • LGBT+ Awareness and Inclusion Training: the basics accessible on

  • First Steps in Ethnic Equality Monitoring training accessible on

  • SAOR II – Screening & Brief Intervention for Problem Alcohol & Drug Use ELearning Programme accessible on


Training due to be completed shortly:

  • Traveller cultural awareness ELearning Programme accessible on








Website and website resources:

Case Management Guidebook

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